July Sermon Series

Event details

  • Saturday | 20/07/2024 to Saturday | 27/07/2024
  • 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
  • Watch online or visit Croydon SDA Church, 95 Selhurst Road, South Norwood, London, SE25 6LH, UK


You can also watch online

July Programme


06 July

Sermon Topic: Goodbye to Despair

Speaker: Sister Valcie Lewis

Key Text: 1 Samuel 1:17

Summary: Life can throw many challenges our way. But with God, we never need to lose our hope, our joy, or our praise. We can praise God through life’s toughest challenges if we keep our eyes fixed on Him and stay in relationship with Him.

13 July

Sermon Topic: Prayer: Powerful or Pointless  

Speaker: Elder Derek Morrison

Key Text: Luke 22:31-34

Summary: Satan’s desire is to sift us all like wheat and separate us from the Father. But God in His infinite wisdom has blessed us with the privilege of prayer. If only we would use it more, we would know even more of God’s power. 

20 July

Camp Meeting

Sermon topic: Overcomers

Speaker: Pastor Hamilton Williams

Summary: In our current times it can feel like one crisis after another. But we serve a God who never changes. Despite how life appears, we can be overcomes if we stay connected to Him.

27 July

Camp Meeting

Sermon topic: Armageddon

Speaker: Pastor Hamilton Williams

Summary: We are in a spiritual battle with Satan. But the final, and ultimate battle will see an end to death, an end to our tears, and our sorrow. We can rest in the hope of Christ’s return as a conquering King.


06 July
4PM  |  The Great AYS Debate 

Join us for a lively debate hosted by the Teens Ministry. All church members and members of the community are welcome.

Topic: Social Media is the Best Invention for our Social, Emotional and Spiritual Development

Venue: Church Sanctuary only

13 July
4.30PM  |  Discovery Bible Study

Topic: The study aims to teach you an easy and simple way to read the Bible with your family and friends, no matter what your knowledge or experience is. 

Venue: Church Sanctuary and Online

20 July
7.30PM  |  Maranatha – Are you Ready?

Join us for an inspiring evening of hymns, a health talk and sermon as we close our Camp Meeting.

Topic: Stirring of the Eagle’s Nest

Speaker: Pastor Hamilton Williams

Venue: Church Sanctuary & YouTube

27 July
7:30PM  |  Maranatha – Are You Ready?

Join us for an inspiring evening of hymns, a health talk and sermon as we close our Camp Meeting.

Topic: Who Is In Your Room?

Speaker: Pastor Hamilton Williams

Venue: Church Sanctuary & YouTube