Welcome to “Looking up!”, where we take a few moments to focus on an area of life and consider it from a biblical perspective. Our hope is that you allow the message to remain with you and act as a source of encouragement in the week ahead! 
  • Picture: SWNS, Reuters New pics showing how a man was saved by Patrick Hutchinson during BLM protest

    And Who Is My Neighbour?

    By Julia Gervais Growing up on the beautiful island of Jamaica, my siblings and I quickly realized that neighbours were just an extension of our […]

  • Follow the Recipe!

    By Jennifer Mann As I’m presently not having to undergo the epic twice daily commute into London, I often find myself imagining that I can […]

  • George Floyd: Mercy says “No!”?

    By Jenniffer Mann On the week commencing Monday, 25 May 2020, many of us worldwide watched with a collective sense of absolute horror, as the […]

  • Freedom

    By Julia Gervais I’m fed up of being inside. I miss my friends. I can’t go to work. Imagine, I actually want to go to […]

  • The Greatest Influencer

    By Jenniffer Mann I confess to being an avid YouTube watcher and from what I understand, you can pretty much find videos on most topics you […]

  • The Danger of Popular Opinion

    By Jenniffer Mann I am fortunate enough to work within a  company that really cares for its employees. The directors are authentic and consistent in their […]