Welcome to “Looking up!”, where we take a few moments to focus on an area of life and consider it from a biblical perspective. Our hope is that you allow the message to remain with you and act as a source of encouragement in the week ahead! 
  • The Only Way is Jesus

    By Jenniffer Mann . I’m probably one of many people who shy away from visiting hospitals unless absolutely necessary. It’s not that I find anything […]

  • God 1 v Lions 0

    By Jenniffer Mann . Did you know that lions are said to be amongst the deadliest of all predators! Male lions can weigh up to […]

  • Burnout

    By Jenniffer Mann The past month has posed some very challenging moments. Consistently long working hours has made it difficult to devote time to other […]

  • COVID-19 Secure

    By Julia Gervais . We’ve got to get this country moving again. This pandemic has really set us back. The government cannot maintain this furlough […]

  • Are You Ready?

    By David Billett Today I received a package from America.  It contained a memorial book and DVD in memory of my late nephew, Jerab Prentice Billett, […]

  • Who’s Counting?!

    By Jenniffer Mann . 3.3 months, 14.4 weeks, 101 days, 2424 hours, 145,440 minutes, 8,726,400 seconds. That is how how long it’s been since lock […]